Tangled (2010) - Drama, Animation, Musical, Family and Adaptation
Tangled is a 2010 musical animated film adapted of the German fairy tale entitled Rapunzel by Brothers Grimm. The movie is directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard and under the distribution of Walt Disney Pictures. Tangled will slated for wide release on November 24, 2010 in selected theaters in 3D. Starring the voice of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy, Brad Garrett and Jeffrey Tambor.
Tangled (2010) tells the story of Rapunzel, a pretty woman leaves in the hidden tower for years. One day Flynn Rider, a handsome bandit who tries to go up in the tower and he meets the Princess Rapunzel. Rapunzel deals with him to help her out of the tower and later on she fell in love.