Burlesque (2010) - Drama and Musical
Burlesque is a 2010 dramatic musical film under the direction of Steven Antin. The film is a Sony Screen Gems distribution and also written by Antin. Burlesque producers are Dana Belcastro, Stacy Cramer and Donald De Line. The film will slated to be release wide in selected theaters on November 24, 2010. Starring Cher, Christina Aguilera, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianne Hough and Kristen Bell.
Burlesque (2010) tells the story of Alice Marilyn Rose or also known as Ali, a small-town girl with a great voice and dreams to become a star. She escape on her past and try to have a better future in Los Angeles. When she's in Los Angeles finds a job in The Burlesque Lounge as a cocktail waitress from Tess and her mentor and, proprietor and headliner of the club. One day Ali became one of the star of the club with the help of Sean and Alexis when they discovered her spectacular voice.