Yogi Bear (2010) - Comedy, Kids, Family, Animation and Adaptation
Yogi Bear is a 2010 3D animation comedy film for Christmas, under the direction of Eric Brevig. The new animation movie Yogi Bear, adapted on the popular cartoon series of Hanna-Barbera entitled The Yogi Bear Show. The film will be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures in 3D. It is slated for wide release on December 17, 2010 in 3D in selected theaters. Featuring the voices of Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake and Christine Taylor. Also starring Tom Cavanagh, Anna Faris, T.J. Miller and Andrew Daly.
Yogi Bear (2010), it tells the story of two bears Yogi and Boo-Boo, who lives in Jellystone Park. One day the Jellystone Park plans to close and to sell it by the mayor. Simply means most of the people come here, will lose enjoyment and the beauty of the park Especially Yogi and Boo-Boo they will lose their only called home. So Yogi and Boo-Boo teams up with Ranger Smith thinking a way to save the park.