The Tourist (2010) - Drama, Romance, Thriller and Remake
The Tourist is a 2010 dramatic thriller film and remake of Anthony Zimmer, a French film by Jerome Salle of 2005. The movie is directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and under the distribution of Sony Pictures Entertainment. The Tourist will slated for wide release on December 10, 2010 in selected theaters. Starring Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton and Steven Berkoff.
The Tourist is a 2010 dramatic thriller film and remake of Anthony Zimmer, a French film by Jerome Salle of 2005. The movie is directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck and under the distribution of Sony Pictures Entertainment. The Tourist will slated for wide release on December 10, 2010 in selected theaters. Starring Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Rufus Sewell, Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton and Steven Berkoff.
The Tourist (2010) tells the story of an American tourist, Frank Taylor who visited the country of Italy to fix a broken heart. Where he meet a beautiful woman Elise Ward that leads his life into intrigue, romance and danger.